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Wellbeing Workshop in your Workplace



In the year 2020-21 at least 822,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or long-standing).  At HEAL Holistic, we are increasingly aware of the need for some time out from the busy routine of work and home life, as well as some techniques to help build the resilience to manage day to day, and to apply coping strategies for when challenges arise. Prioritising staff wellbeing makes sense at every level and for a relatively small investment, it's possible to see big improvements.


Our tailored 3 hour workshop is a lovely experience, using evidence based practices, including Breathwork, Guided Meditation and Sound. At various intervals, we will provide insight about the anatomical responses that occur in times of stress and anxiety, to help empower your team with that knowledge, and to create a deeper connection and understanding of themselves...and each other. We bring all of the equipment including mats, eye pillows, cushions and of course all of the wonderful gongs, bowls and drums. Sound does not have to be included, however they are not typically 'loud' and if needed, can be carried out in a private space without disturbing nearby spaces. 


£240 = 3 hour on site workshop for up to 15 people, including all equipment.

*within 20 mile radius, please contact to discuss if further than 20 miles. 


Contact to discuss dates and availability.


Click here to read more about your workshop leader.

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